Are you facing these problems?
Deep cheek groove
Thin cheekbone
Thin lip
Short chin
Flabby face

Filler Introduction
The filler is filling that translate from the English language. There are several substances for filling. In the past selected liquid silicone to inject for filler procedure. But it is rather high dangerous though it is cheap. At the present has developed a new substance. it is Hyaluronic Acid (HA) that certified around the world related standard and safety. It is able to disintegrate automatically within 1-2 years because it is natural extract consist of collagen as subcutaneous tissue of a human. filler injection by physician only, because it may danger if injected into a vein
Hyaluronic Acid(HA) is compound in type of Polymer that consist of molecules of substances such as protein substance, several molecules sugar, Hyaluronic Acid, etc as basis of synovial water liquid moisten joints, if average human weight 70 kilograms found that has Hyaluronic Acid approximate 15 grams and around 1 per 3 of this acid shall be destroyed and produced each day, therefore, consist of HA is substance that existed in human body, whether it be liquid, protein or sugar cause HA has high safety to use.
Each Filler has different quality classified as follows:
- Elasticity
- Plasticity, Cohesiveness
- Tissue Integration
- Water holding
- Crosslink
- Particle size
Class and brand selection for filler suit with areas on the face such as under-eyes, nasolabial, marionette, chin, temple, nose, mouth, thin cheek shall classify briefly as follows:
- Restylane perlane lift able to inject at under- eyes, chin, nose
- Restylane vital light able to inject at under- eyes, mouth
- Restylane volyme able to inject at nasolabial, marionette, temple, thin cheek
- Juvederm voluma able to inject at under- eyes, nasolabial, chin, temple.
- Juvederm volift able to inject at nasolabial, marionette, mouth, thin cheek
- Juvederm ultra plus able to inject at nasolabial, temple, mouth

Why should you choose Filler at Dermaster?
Dermaster has several brand of Filler which is brand has different concentration advantage to select Filler is relevant, because Filler injection should select Filler that has suitable concentration to each, such as chin injection shall select Filler that has high concentration, because concentration at the first level shall easy to mold chin shape, but if inject at other area such as cheekbone which is gelatinous elevation of bone, we shall touch lumpish Filler, that cause we have bad feelings, grouch, deface. Cheekbone injection shall select Filler that has lower concentration. This is the reason why Filler shall have several brands that is different to suitability and best result. In addition, Injection, the physician shall has high skill because except filling, physician team of Dermaster able to use stretch injection technique shall make face has dimension, face lift and use filler less than filling and more safety and Dermaster get several prize by associations.
The advantage of Dermaster for Dermaster for Filler injection.
- There are several Filler that is suitable to injection point.
- Eye consultation with a surgeon with the use of the Vectra 3D face outlining machine.
- Physician of Advance Technique injection.outlining machine.

Filler shall be effective immediately after did, shall catch sight of difference to changing patently. Filler injection by Hyaluronic Acid (HA) shall to disintegrate automatically within 1 year (in order that depends on concentration and brand of Filler) should fill every 1 year.

Effect : Immediate effect

How long : 30-60 minutes

How often : 6-12 months

Down time : No recuperate
What Our Customers Said

Lin – Matchana Suwanmas
Coolsculpting Is an aid for people who want to burn excess but have a little time like Lin

Pinkgy – Sawika Chaiyadej
Pinkgy trusts Demaster to take care of both external and internal skin health.
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