Are you facing these problems?
Unattractive thick lips
Uneven lips
No chestnut-shaped lips

Lips Surgery Introduction
The lips are organs that represent your charm. Having attractive lips is something everyone desires. Additionally, our lips can convey and indicate emotions very clearly. Having unbalanced and/or too thick lips can cause uncertainty or low self-esteem. Lips surgery is becoming widely popular today as it can be done quickly and safely. Lips Surgery can help bring more charm and glamour to your face.
In lips surgery, the surgeon will administer a numbing agent and medication to help the patient relax and not feel any pain during the procedure. The surgeon will shape the patient’s lips to balance and suit the structure of the face, make individual corrections according to each patients’ case, and hide the surgical incisions inside the mouth. . This procedure takes approximately 1 hour and patients are able to return home to recover after receiving surgery.

Why should you choose Lips Surgery at Dermaster?
- Eye consultation with a surgeon with the use of the Vectra 3D face outlining machine.
- Patients have the option of going under general anesthesia or using a numbing agent.
- Operations and surgeries are performed in medically international standard operating rooms.
- Operated by highly-skilled cosmetic surgeons.

Benefits of Lips Surgery
Nice chestnut-shaped lips, balanced and even lips, lip size and shape corrections
Lips Surgery Post-Op Treatment
1.) Keep regions around the lips cool during the first 2 days after surgery.
2.) Patients should sleep with their heads elevated at a 45 degree angle during the first 2-5 days.
3.) Patients can return to normal work routines within the first 5 days after surgery, and back to high intensity activities within 2-3 weeks after surgery.
4.) Refrain from applying lipstick for the first 7 days after surgery.
5.) Refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking for the first 3 weeks after surgery.
6.) Eat soft, easily digestible and non-spicy foods. Maintain cleanliness in areas around the mouth to avoid infections from contaminated foods.
7.) Strictly follow medical instructions and take medication prescribed by the attending doctor.

Effect : 1 month

How long : 60 minutes

How often : -

Down time : recovery period varies and depends on medical condition of patients
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